Poster Sessions
Posters by LIS graduate students & Library Residents are on Friday, May 12 in the afternoon
All the Cooks in the Kitchen! How Partnerships between University Libraries, iSchools, and Academic Writing Programs Enhance Information Literacy Instruction
Jack Owen and Bridget Scoles @ University of Maryland
Two MLIS students at a large research university share how they have built a community of practice by learning to teach together and in tandem with greater interdepartmental collaborations. As Fellows in a Research and Teaching Fellowship, a professional development program through which MLIS students receive in-depth training in information literacy instruction, and as Graduate Assistants helping to manage the Fellowship, the presenters collaborate to share best practices in instruction and program management. Their partnership represents larger sustained relationships between the Universities' Libraries, MLIS program, and Academic Writing Program, and how those partnerships create equitable learning opportunities for undergraduate and MLIS students.
Words are how we articulate and communicate thought; the words used to describe disability decide how we articulate and communicate thoughts about disability. In an information context, language issues become even more important, because all information professionals-not just instructional librarians-are educators; they are, after all, at the forefront of information dissemination, which is itself education. Creating inclusive learning environments for Disabled students means using language that includes and supports them all. This poster explains why person-first language (PFL) is perceived as ableist, presents the history of PFL and identity-first language (IFL), and argues in favor of using IFL.
(Dis)Information Literacy: Analysis of Historical Hoaxes and Conspiracy Theories as an Instructional Tool
Rebecca McCall and Olivia Russo @
Syracuse University
- Poster
The history of hoaxes and conspiracy theories crafted by bad faith actors is both interesting and horrifying. They take advantage of our predilection to blindly trust information presented to us. These instances of disinformation seek to divide populaces and further marginalize vulnerable groups. It is crucial for students to learn information literacy skills in order to arm themselves against further disinformation. This poster aims to show how applying information literacy skills to historical disinformation in an instructional setting can be engaging, informative, and empowering in the effort against the spread of intentionally misleading information.
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: Publicizing Open Access Resources Across the University
Emma Quinn @ New York University/Long Island University
- Poster (.pptx)
How can librarians promote information literacy on open access (OA) to their university communities? Promoting OA can be a challenge, as the movement often consists of confusing jargon and complicated business deals. Effective outreach & education should be tailored to the interests, values, and expertise of individual stakeholder groups. Based on an internship project, this poster introduces outreach strategies to promote awareness & information literacy of a library's OA deals and programs to various university stakeholder groups. Harnessing these strategies opens opportunities for greater teamwork within and beyond the library, exponentially increasing outreach effectiveness.
Internationalism in Librarianship
- Reflecting on Library Instruction Programs as
International Students and Employees
Uyen Nguyen @ University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Poster (.pdf)
- Handout (.pdf)
Librarian was one of the H1B visa designations for "Specialty Occupation" that could allow non-US citizens to work, and applied for a Green Card to become a US citizen. However, librarianship is often not the first choice for international students. Yet surprisingly, I came to learn that there is a great number of non-US citizen librarians in academic institutions. Their perspectives on librarianship sparks great conversations on teaching and self-reflection. This poster records their experiences with instruction programs and how they leverage their multicultural and cross-cultural identity to enrich different aspects of instruction and information literacy at their institutions.
Peace Building Through Information Literacy in Libraries
Taylor Strong @ Indiana University Bloomington
In an age where misinformation and disinformation is rampant, conflict feeds from this and turns people against each other. Stereotypes, hate speech, and other harmful rhetoric will continue to be pervasive until people are taught to think critically about the information they are consuming. Librarians should incorporate critical pedagogy and peace education theory into their teaching styles to make students think about where their sources are coming from. Through this teaching, students will be able to apply their information literacy skills from instruction to real-world situations and spread peace.
Roadblocks to Research:
Navigating Research From the Perspective of
MLIS Graduate Students
Tay Roylance and Payton Dana Cooke @ Syracuse University
- Poster (.pdf)
A major draw of continuing one's education with a Master's degree for a lot of people is the freedom to conduct research more nuanced than an undergraduate program has room for. But what does the reality of that research look like? Roadblocks to Research looks at challenges Master's students face from the perspective of two MLIS students actively pursuing their own independent research project. Through such introspection, we aim to open the conversation about how to uplift Master's students in their research endeavors, rather than dismissing and discouraging successful projects.
Teaming Up for Information
Literacy: Enhancing Student Peer Assistance
with a Research Badge Program
Mohala Kaliebe@ Dickinson
- Poster (.pdf)
Students can help their peers with writing and finding resources... but what about research? Come hear about the Dickinson College Research & Information Literacy Badge Program, which brings undergraduate students working as tutors at the Multilingual Writing Center together with those working as supervisors at the Circulation Desk to learn more about information literacy. This optional, paid training seeks to empower participants to better aid their peers, as well as bolster them as student researchers themselves. In doing so, the program connects writing tutors, circulation workers, and librarians, fostering a greater sense of community and support among library employees.