Presenter Information

How and when will I find out if my proposal has been accepted?

  • Breakout Session proposal submitters will be notified by email by January 16, 2023.
  • Lightning talk session proposal submitters will be notified by email by February 7, 2023.  
  • Poster session proposal submitters will be notified by email by February 17, 2023.

I am a presenter; do I have to register?

Yes. Although spots for up to three presenters per group will be automatically saved for the conference, each individual presenter needs to fill in a short online registration form (sent via email to the presentation's primary contact). Completion of the online form gives us your preferences regarding the Thursday reception, dietary selections, and any special needs. All presenters are required to pay registration in full by Monday, April 10, 2023. Failure to pay the registration fee could result in the cancellation of your presentation and conference registration. All presenters are responsible for paying their own travel and lodging expenses.

What emails have been sent to presenters since my proposal was accepted?

  - January 25, 2023: Info on individual presenter registration, conference payment, and the hotel (sent to primary presenters for distribution)

 - April 4, 2023: Schedule with date & time of each breakout session
 - May 4, 2023: Confirmation of your meeting room assignment, along with its capacity, and key tech that will be in each room  

Whom should I contact regarding proposal or presenter questions?

Rebecca Miller Waltz at

What are the proceedings guidelines?

The proceedings guidelines for 2023 can be found here.

What technology and equipment will be available for presenters?

Presenters are required to bring their own laptop computer. A projector, projector screen, podium mic, and speakers will be available in each breakout room. Internet for presenters will also be available in all rooms, but if you plan on having attendees use the wi-fi (e.g., Poll Everywhere), please contact us, though they should be able to readily use it.

See links below for more information about:

- technology, materials prep and room setup

- best practices for presenting your breakout session

Does LOEX have options if I would like to do a land acknowledgment?

Yes. A speaker from the local committee will be doing a land acknowledgement during the "Welcome" on Friday morning, but if you like to also personally do an acknowledgement before your breakout session, an option can be found here (the LOEX speaker will be doing one based on this). There are other valid options that you may use and it is ultimately up to you to say what you feel is appropriate and mindful.

Will attendees be able to evaluate my session? Will I get that feedback?

Yes and yes.

A short form will be created for each session, and handed out by each session's volunteer LOEX room coordinator at the beginning of each session; the LOEX volunteer will then collect filled out forms at the end of each session. The LOEX Director will take those forms, collate them, and mail them to the lead presenter in each group later in May / June.

Can I have my session materials posted somewhere on the LOEX site so attendees & others can view them later?

Yes. All presenters have to the option to send in their session materials (e.g., slides, handouts) after LOEX 2023 for posting on the conference website. You will receive an email after the conference with instructions on how to do this.