Lightning Talk Proposals
***The deadline for proposal submissions was January 19, 2018; proposals are no longer being accepted.***
***Thanks to everyone who submitted a proposal!***
A small, but fun part of the LOEX conference are the Lightning Talks, which are a fun way to share ideas and best practices that don't warrant a full-blown breakout session.
Topics can be practical or conceptual ideas, and should showcase effective practices or highlight new projects in various stages of development. Successful proposals will show evidence of being lively, fast-paced and thought provoking, while reflecting elements of one (or more) of the conference tracks::
- Pedagogy: Space Camp - Techniques for Preparing the Next Generation
The next generation of explorers is discovering the cosmos in new and exciting ways. How do you prepare them for future expeditions? What small steps or giant leaps have you taken to develop your pedagogy? What theories or strategies do you use to make your expeditions into the classroom successful? How do you teach students from varying backgrounds? What techniques do you use to help students become successful information navigators?
- Learning & Assessment: Is There Life Out There? - Evidence of Learning Through Assessment
As librarians chart new courses in the classroom, discovering signs of life is crucial to be able to change course when necessary and ultimately to gauge the success of the mission. How do you measure the impact of your instruction sessions? How do you assess student learning? Do you assess for different modes of learning? How do you use assessment data to alter the course of your instruction?
- Leadership: Ground Control to Major Tom - Directing the Mission
Every successful mission calls for both enterprising individuals and strong collective effort with clear outcomes in mind. How has your institution, library, or instruction program led large information literacy initiatives? How do you develop an inclusive library instruction program? Share your advice on managing larger scale library instruction based projects, leading campus wide conversations on the library’s role on information literacy, or guiding paradigm shifts in a changing educational climate.
- Technology and Innovation: Moonshot - Ambition through Technology & Innovation
Small steps and giant leaps don’t happen without inspired ideas, careful planning, and breathtaking launches. What technologies and innovative strategies have you used to motivate your students to reach for the stars and reach new heights? How do you insure your instruction is accessible to all learners? What strategies do you implement to bridge digital divide? Help launch our profession toward new horizons by sharing your cutting-edge tools of the trade, methods of execution, or even your reinvention of old tricks.
- Collaboration: International Space Station - Working Together for the Greater Good
We have come a long way from the space race! Cooperation and inclusion of diverse partners and perspectives are key to developing a strong instruction and outreach program. Who are your collaborators, and how have you worked together to create bigger and better projects than you could have achieved on your own? How do you make and maintain those relationships? Share the collaborations with those both inside and outside your world that keep you orbiting.
- Failures and Problem Solving: Houston, We Have a Problem - Radical Solutions for When Things Go Wrong
Space travel can be risky business; even when every foreseeable calculation has been made, the unthinkable can still occur. But in facing unexpected failure, you sometimes find your most innovative successes. What have you tried that did not go as planned? What did you learn from it, or how did you turn the situation around to find success?
Successful instruction librarians must consistently reinvigorate themselves, their students, and the community as a whole. How has your leadership empowered colleagues and affected change? How have you worked with colleagues to facilitate transitions to new models of teaching? Have you implemented successful professional development programs that inspired change in cultures and attitudes?
Lightning Talk Format, Timing, and Quantity
Each presenter will have seven minutes total. There will not be additional time for questions, but presenters may reserve part of the seven-minute allotment for Q&A if desired.
Lightning Talks will very likely take place after lunch on Saturday, May 4, 2018, and be presented in a general session open to all attendees.
We expect, at maximum, five Lightning Talks proposals will be accepted for the conference.
Submission Information
Lightning Talk proposals can be submitted only through the ***online submission form*** and must be received by Friday, January 19, 2018. The contact on the submission will be notified if the proposal has been accepted for presentation by Friday, February 2, 2018. There is only one presenter permitted for each Lightning Talk presentation due to time constraints.
If your proposal is accepted, the presenter will be automatically registered for the conference, and required to pay registration in full by April 2, 2018. A Lightning Talk presenter is not required to, but can choose to submit a full paper version (up to 1,000 words) of their talk for inclusion in the LOEX Conference Proceedings.
Note: Failure to pay the registration fee will result in the cancellation of your presentation and conference registration. Presenters are responsible for paying their own travel and lodging expenses.
Contact for lightning talk presenters: Mark Barnes at
Lightning Talk Timeline
- January 19, 2018: Deadline to submit lightning talk proposals
- February 2, 2018: Notification of acceptance of lightning talk proposal
- April 27, 2018: Deadline for all Lightning Talk presenters to submit full papers (up to 1000 words) for inclusion in the LOEX Conference Proceedings
- May 3 - 5, 2018: 46th Annual LOEX Conference in Houston, TX
- May 5, 2018*: Lightning talk presentations (*not 100%, but very likely will occur on this date after lunch)
Lightning Talk Proposal Selection Criteria
The committee will be using a rubric to score the proposals during a double-blind review process. The rubric grades each proposal on:
- Content and objectives of presentation
- Clarity of topic, particularly how presenter will achieve presentation objectives in seven minutes or less
- Relevance to the field of library instruction
- Originality and creativity
- Demonstrated expertise of the presenter(s) on the topic
- Methods used to inform and also engage the audience
For more guidelines on preparing and giving lightning talks at LOEX 2018, please click here.
Presenter Benefits
The solid reputation of the LOEX Conference ensures that presenters benefit as much as their audience. Presenters can expect to:
- contribute to the field of library instruction and information literacy
- receive professional recognition at the conference
- highlight their institution's accomplishments
- receive automatic registration at the LOEX Conference