Proceedings Guidelines - 2017
Due dates for submitting your paper to be included in the
- May 5, 2017 if your session is a Presentation
- June 2, 2017 if your session is an Interactive
LOEX publishes Conference Proceedings each year. Talks given at
LOEX 2017 will be physically published in Library
Orientation Series No. 50 and after a year,
available to LOEX members electronically via LOEX's website.
Handouts can be included in the proceedings, in the body or as
appendices, but PowerPoint slides will not.
- Utilize this Word
template (.docx) as your base. All articles
should be based on this template in order to ensure proper
formatting for publication.
- Use 10 pt, Times New Roman Font for the text body.
- Include a cover page in your Word document. This page should
have the article's title, along each author's name, job position,
institution and mailing address. Also, provide keywords (up to 10)
of your choosing.
- No abstract is required or expected.
- Your summary article should be no more than 2500 words; this
limit does not include the cover page, nor does it include any
reference list, appendices, tables, or graphics (these elements
are limited to approximately 3 pages).
- APA, 6th edition for in-text citations and reference list.
- Submit your proceedings article, based on the
Word template above, via e-mail attachment to
Find all this information, and more, on this checklist
- If you would like to see some example proceedings submissions,
see here and here.
Questions? Please contact Brad