Submit a Proposal

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal for the LOEX 2022 Conference.

 LOEX is returning in person and going back to its Michigan roots in May 2022 -- the home of Rosie the Riveter and the assembly line. Just as Rosie stepped up to the production line, we invite you to share how you’re pushing the boundaries of information literacy instruction in your work. Meet with like-minded colleagues to discuss how both instructional ingenuity and tried-and-true successes can impact 21st century student learning. There may be bumps in the road or breaks in the line, but we can do it!  

Breakout Sessions

Hour-long presentations, delivered online, by one to three presenters. As in previous years, these sessions will make up the large majority of the conference program (an estimated 50-65 sessions). Breakout Session proposals are due Monday, November 29, 2021. [deadline has passed]

Lightning Talks

Short (seven minutes maximum) presentations given during a single session by different presenters. There will only be a handful (maximum of five) of these presentations as they are intended to be an energizing, but small, part of the conference. Lightning Talk proposals due date is Monday, January 24, 2022.  [deadline has passed]

Poster Sessions

Students currently enrolled in a graduate program in library and information sciences along with librarians in resident or intern programs are invited to propose poster sessions. Poster Session proposals due date is in Monday, January 31, 2022. [deadline has passed]