Poster Sessions
Posters by LIS graduate students & Library Residents are on Friday, May 6 in the afternoon
A Close-Look at Residency: Bridging Literacies in Academic Library and Museum Teaching and Learning
Yuqiao Cao @ University of Delaware
- Poster (.pdf)
The resident at University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press will explain her experience as the Visual Literacy Librarian. This poster will demonstrate the resident's effort to find new ways to teach visual literacy through collaboration, emphasizing instructional projects the resident leads and how they advance the library and museum's teaching presence. The resident will reflect on challenges and growth in establishing her leadership role and bridging the visual literacy skill gaps on campus. The poster seeks to inspire others to facilitate residency programs as new cross-departmental collaboration on teaching and learning and strives for new possibilities in academic libraries.
A Staff Training Tutorial: How to Support and Assist Students with Intellectual Disabilities at the Academic Library
Alayna Vander Veer @ Syracuse University
The increase of programs for people with intellectual disabilities at institutions of higher education require academic libraries to have appropriate resources and services. Based on several studies, there is significant need to train staff to appropriately serve this demographic. This poster session will center on a staff training online tutorial that I created using LibWizard. The tutorial covers alternative formats, assistive technologies, and alternative communication strategies. I will describe how I produced the staff training tutorial and the staff training outcomes to participants, for integration at their home institution.
Collaborative Pedagogy Training for Graduate Student Instructors and Early Career Librarians
Margaret McLaughlin
and Madeline
Keyser @ Indiana
University Bloomington
- Poster
Many graduate student workers and early career librarians have little-to-no formal pedagogy training and must often learn from experience or from advice from veteran instructors. In the fall semester of 2021, the graduate student instructors in Indiana University’s Department of Comparative Literature paired with the IU Libraries’ Department of Teaching & Learning and Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning to create universal, formalized pedagogy training for new instructors. This included creating a repository of teaching materials, preparing orientation sessions, and developing a workshop series. This poster will preview the resources we created and discuss the benefits and shortcomings of the collaboration.
Designing Metaliteracy in Action
James Henry Smith @ Indiana University Bloomington
Metaliteracy is an invaluable skill for students inside and out of the traditional learning environments. Using metaliteracy as a framework, this project seeks to build an online learning object that encourages students to participate in our information ecosystem through critical evaluation of social media posts and their own understanding. This poster will lead viewers through the process of building such a resource through an iterative approach to the ADDIE instructional design model.
Embracing Cultural Competence
Practices in Library Instruction:
Teaching Students How to Conduct Inclusive Searching
Gabrielle Baumert @ Syracuse University
This poster presentation covers the creation, implementation, and assessment of a virtual workshop, “How to Conduct Inclusive Searching: Incorporating Diverse Voices Into Your Research”. The workshop, inspired by concepts taught in a Cultural Competence for Information Professionals course, instructed participants in using particular searching strategies to incorporate diverse voices into their research. Recognizing that academic libraries often work within systems that rely on western ways of thinking, organizing, and knowing, it is essential to reconstruct searching strategies to be more equitable. The poster discusses ways to teach information literacy skills while embracing inclusion and diversity into research and representation.
Immigrant & Refugee Public Assistance in Central New York:
An Analysis of the Role of Onondaga County Public Libraries
Lauren Quackenbush @ Syracuse
- Poster
This research focuses on the accessibility to assistance and instructional programing for immigrant and refugee populations in the city of Syracuse and within Onondaga County. While there are many resources available in the area, public libraries are typically the first point of contact to deliver instructional events or assist these populations in accessing outside programs. While the Onondaga County Public Libraries have developed successful partnerships, the Covid-19 pandemic has altered these collaborations. However, the opportunities for improving information literacy between the library and local social services are essential for the continued aide to these two groups.
It Makes Me Feel Weird: Student Conceptions of "The Algorithm"
Appedu @ University
of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
- Poster (.pptx)
In recent years, it has become necessary for information literacy instructors to incorporate critical topics about technology into their instruction. However, many studies take for granted that students have unique ways of describing and navigating commercial search algorithms from their experiences online outside of an academic context. Through student interview data, this poster provides context for how students use online platforms, what vocabulary they employ when talking about Google, TikTok, and Instagram, and what it feels like to both love and fear “the algorithm” so that information literacy practitioners can better help students become autonomous and informed information consumers.
The Power of Words: Analyzing
Social Justice Language in
Information Literacy Standards Lists
Heather Owen @ Syracuse University
- Poster
Information literacy standards help shape instructional design and indicate the importance of information literacy to stakeholders. It is imperative, therefore, that these standards embody social justice, acknowledge how privilege and societal biases silence the voices of marginalized individuals, and encourage the inclusion of these elements within instruction. This poster evaluates numerous standards and frames for socially just elements, and examines the language used to articulate these points to determine if they are explicitly socially just. With this knowledge in mind, participants will be able to utilize standards to their full effect and ideate their own policies using socially just language.