10,000 Tips for Accessible Instruction: Universal Design for Learning and Information Literacy
Carrie Hanson @ McGill University
Methods of pedagogy are shifting away from a traditional lecture model of instruction that only teaches to the “average learner” to methods that remove barriers and make a classroom more accessible. One of these methods is Universal Design for Learning, a framework that makes instruction accessible for the largest variety of learners possible. There is little research on the application of UDL principals in information literacy, or more specifically with the 2015 ACRL Framework. My poster will provide conference attendees with tips and resources to aid undergraduate students as they wade into the icy waters of information literacy.
Accessibility in Online Teaching: Applying Universal Design for Learning Principles in Internet-Based Information Literacy Instruction
Brady Lund @ Emporia State University
Internet-based instruction, supported by learning management systems, has become ubiquitous in higher education in the last decade. While many instructors have begun to master the tools and pedagogical implications of online teaching, often overlooked is the accessibility of course content for students with disabilities. This poster summarizes the findings from a extensive literature review of accessibility and online learning, as well as the implications of the 2017 Section 508 (Americans with Disabilities Act) Refresh on online teaching, and discusses Universal Design for Learning as an effective model for designing accessible course content. Evidence-based research findings and practical guidance for instructional librarians is presented.
Adulting 101 for Undergraduate Students: Building Campus Partnerships in Support of Financial, Health, and Civic Literacy
Cait Kennedy @ University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Poster (.pdf)
In 2018-2019, we have developed a new Adulting 101 workshop series for undergraduate students at the Robert B. House Undergraduate Library. The new workshop series was piloted in fall 2018 with three workshops — on budgeting, voting in local elections, and researching health topics online — attended by more than 50 students. In spring 2019, we are offering three additional workshops about understanding credit scores, creating a LinkedIn presence, and researching mental health topics. My poster will describe the process of recruiting and building relationships with campus partners in order to share campus-wide expertise and make this workshop series a reality..
Examining a Librarian's Authority Through Feminist Pedagogy
Olivia Hobbs @ Salisbury University
- Poster (.pptx)
Reference librarians within academic libraries have long struggled to establish authority to their students in their limited interactions. The philosophy of feminist pedagogy rejects the ultimate authority of the librarian in favor of student-instructor collaboration and an active learning environment where the instructor asks questions rather than gives answers. Rather than fight to establish authority, feminist pedagogy suggests empowering students and building leadership and community to create critical thinkers. This session will examine the authority of reference librarians through the lens of feminist pedagogy in order to better help students learn information literacy.
A Hostage Situation: Electronic Resource Licenses, Information Access, and the Classroom
Kendra Macomber @ University of Maryland
- Poster (.pdf)
As we teach our students about the electronic resources our library provides, are we being transparent about the realities of information access? This poster will take a social justice approach and examine how E-Resource Licenses perpetuate a system of information inequality and how teaching librarians can lay bare these instances of inequities within our current systems of information. Being transparent about the realities of the imbalance within the information ecosystem will help prepare students for research both inside and outside academia.
Instructional Praxis in Archives and Special Collections
Xena Becker @ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
In my poster, I will analyze the strategies instruction librarians have used in the past two years to implement the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy through material provided in Appendix 1 of the Framework and supplementary materials in the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Sandbox. In doing this, I attempt to see how the lessons learned by instruction librarians since the implementation of the Framework can be used by special collections librarians and archivists as they implement the Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy. My goal is to help archivists and librarians better understand how to effectively transform guidelines and standards for educational outcomes into teaching praxis that covers primary source literacy and other types of information literacy.
Making Virtual and Augmented Reality Accessible to All Patrons
Emily Sartorius @ University of Michigan
As libraries adopt VR/AR technologies, they should think about two perspectives: 1) how can these technologies be assistive to patrons with disabilities, and 2) how can these technologies be made more accessible to patrons with disabilities? VR/AR have promising assistive uses for patrons with disabilities. There are some limitations many VR/AR technologies possess that libraries should consider when adopting these technologies in conjunction with the Americans with Disabilities Act. We recommend libraries partner with experts and student support services to purchase software that makes the experience more accessible, and hardware that is wearable and comfortable for patrons.
Recasting Collaborations: An Overview of Best Practices for Student-Librarian Partnerships
Clare Kuntz and Benjamin Shaw @ University of Maryland
- Poster (.pdf)
This poster outlines best practices for librarian-student collaborations, focusing on student empowerment and casting collaboration as a mutual learning process. These best practices span the life-cycle of librarian-student collaborations by exploring best practices in five categories: identifying student collaborators; ensuring that librarian-student collaborations are mutually beneficial; maintaining an appropriate awareness of power dynamics in these relationships; negotiating effective communication plans; and reflecting upon and assessing the collaborations as they come to an end. The presenters illustrate these best practices by providing examples from successful collaborations undertaken by students and librarians at a public, four-year institution.
There be Monsters: How Augmented Reality is Blazing the Trail of Innovative Information Literacy Instruction
Amber Sewell @ University of Tennessee
- Poster (.pdf)
- Handout (.pdf)
When the scope of your library instruction does not even account for half of all first-year composition classes, but your teaching staff is already feeling the strain, how do you broaden your reach? How do you double your audience, hold their attention, and keep your faculty and staff sane?
One solution: send students on a monster hunt. Inspired by a popular first-year composition course theme, myths and monsters, researchers created an augmented reality experience designed to introduce students to important research skills and key service points in the library, without asking composition instructors to sacrifice a class period.
What First-Year Students Learn from One-Shot Information Literacy Sessions and What (They Think) They Already Know
Tori Culler and Emma Brennan-Wydra @ University of Michigan
- Poster (.pdf)
To assess what undergraduate students learn in one-shot in-class library sessions, we administered online questionnaires to students immediately before and two weeks after they attended one of eleven sessions, with questions measuring students’ confidence in three areas of college-level information literacy: conducting searches, evaluating sources, and navigating the University Library system. Paired t-tests revealed significant increases in confidence with respect to navigating the University Library system and mixed results in the other two areas because of students’ high level of confidence before the sessions. Our findings would inform the framing of information literacy instruction at our institution and beyond.
Wide Open Spaces: The Winding Road to Feminist Library Instruction in the Lecture Classroom
Brittni Ballard @ University of Maryland
- Poster (.pdf)
Feminist pedagogy values student experience and voice, fostering active participation and cooperation to achieve goals shaped by learner input while facilitating personal response and reflection. Rooted in the development of positive, caring student-teacher relationships, instructional librarians pursuing feminist pedagogy within the single session format face unique challenges; single sessions in a large, lecture-style classroom with 100+ students introduce even more! Come explore how two University of Maryland librarians, working with the faculty instructor, addressed these challenges through background knowledge pre-assessment, collaborative database searching, group sharing, individual reflection, and post-session follow-up within one 75-minute History of World Architecture class.